I am a Starchivore!

I changed my life. I eat a whole food, plant based diet. It is a journey of living a better way, a healthier way.  I love blogging and sharing information that I find, so I decided to start a new blog about it.  When I was growing up, we ate fairly simple foods; potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, vegetables and fruit, some meat but mostly fish.  We had the things Australian kids love such as Milo, peanut butter, Vegemite and a few lollies, the odd soft drink but on the whole we ate good wholesome food. We got a lot of exercise and sunshine and spent the majority of our days outside playing or doing chores.  

In the 1980's things began to change. It seemed that everyone was saying how carbohydrates were something to be avoided at all costs and we had to eat diet this and diet that, low fat, low carb ... I just wanted to eat mashed potatoes and be done with it!   Anyway, long story short, I got fatter and sick eventually. From 2005 I felt awful. 2009 to 2014 I was on very toxic prescribed drugs and in 2015 I said no more and my doctors helped me go off the most toxic of them.  I started taking ascorbic acid 2000mg daily, I tried to become vegetarian. In 2016 I wavered in between eating animal products but gave up bread and sugar totally.  2017 I became vegan.  I was always dismayed at all the fake food out there, all the recipes and alternatives for foods that we shouldn't be eating anyway.  Why try to make something look like meat and taste like meat when we don't want to eat meat?

So fast forward to today ... I have lost 30kg and have a long way to go yet.  I now call myself a Starchivore ... this means I base most of my daily food on starch, beans, potatoes, brown rice and oats.  The balance is made up of colourful vegetables.  I don't like acronyms so I just say I am a plant based eater.  No oil, no animal products, very limited processed foods.   I would like to share my journey and if that helps just one other person feel well, be able to get out of bed without feeling stiff and sore and enjoy life, that is good enough for me! Welcome to Starch This!


  1. I do admire your commitment. The hardest thing must be to get the rest of the family to accept eating the same way.


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